THE UNZ REVIEW - An Alternative Media Selection

THE UNZ REVIEW - An Alternative Media Selection Feed abonnieren
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
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Macron’s Psycho-Play to Keep Aloft the Punctured Balloon of a ‘Geo-Political EU’, by Alastair Crooke

25. März 2024 - 5:00
It seems that Marcon imagines he is playing some complicated game of psycho-deterrence with Moscow – one characterised by radical ambiguity. Charles Michel, the European Council President, has called on Europe to switch to a ‘war economy’. He justifies this call partly as urgent support for Ukraine, but more pertinently, as the need for relaunching...
Kategorien: Externe Ticker

American Pravda: Samantha Power, R2P, and the Politics of Genocide, by Ron Unz

25. März 2024 - 5:00
Earlier this month I published a long article on the notorious 1994 genocide in Rwanda, explaining that the actual facts may have been very different than what I'd always assumed. As reported by the Western media, Hutu extremists assassinated the country's moderate Hutu president by shooting his plane out of the sky and then immediately...
Kategorien: Externe Ticker